Who We Are?

We are GDG Incheon / Songdo, a vibrant community of passionate developers dedicated to organizing a variety of Google events and developer conferences since 2013. Our group thrives on a love for development, a commitment to sharing knowledge, and an enthusiasm for learning and growing together.

Google Developer Groups

Google Developer Groups

지디지인천,송도 & 플러터송도

Meet Our Organizers!


Plan For This Year! (2024)

  1. Hello World 2024 (3/30)
  2. Build With AI SongDo (4/13)
  3. Google IOExtended Incheon & Songdo (7/24) 1.
  4. Web/Front&BackEnd Conference ← Coming up!
  5. Flutter Conference
  6. Google DevFest

Events We’ve Hosted!




Presentation Slides